Job Title: Equine Extension Specialist
Description: Collaborate with members of the equine community to create, plan, and implement informative and educational equine programs, such as clinics, seminars, symposiums, and Farm Days.Write educational material for the public from science-based research.
Degree Required: BS
- Bachelor of Science Degree is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for completed courses that generally last three to five years. Variations of a BS include a BT, referring to a Bachelor's of Technology, or a BA, a Bachelor of Arts degree. These different terms are often used for different areas of study or may be specific to colleges.
Skills Required: Customer service skills, Independent worker, Learns on the job, Negotiator, Oral communication skills, Quick thinker, Record maintenance, Teaching skills, Works under pressure
Market Sector: Retail, Small Business
Relative Salary: $$$
- We did not collect actual income range information in our survey. Instead we chose to express income range with a number of dollar signs, expressing relative salaries. A single $ is relatively low salary compared to the average, $$ - $$$ is average, and $$$$$ is much higher than average income.
Since each person surveyed may have a different viewpoint as to what constitutes an average salary, and since salary is often commensurate with years of experience, the number of dollar signs should not be regarded as an absolute, but only as an indicator.