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Job Title: Sheep or Goat Researcher or Consultant

Description: Conduct research on pertinant problems in livestock production. Specialized knowledge of a particular aspect of sheep or goat production (i.e. animal behavior, environmental physiology, genetics, health, meat science, nutrition, reproduction, parasitology, etc.). Publish results in both juried and layperson publications. Consultants are familiar with current research and provide specialized assistance to producer organizations or large commercial enterprises.

Degree Required: HS

  • High School Diploma is a diploma awarded for the completion of high school. In the United States and Canada, it is considered the minimum education required for government jobs and higher education. An equivalent is the GED or General Educational Development test.

Skills Required: Computer skills, Farm animal care, Independent worker, Learns on the job, Oral communication skills, Scientific thinker, Written communication skills

Market Sector: Government, Self-Employed, University/Education

Relative Salary:  $$

  • We did not collect actual income range information in our survey. Instead we chose to express income range with a number of dollar signs, expressing relative salaries. A single $ is relatively low salary compared to the average, $$ - $$$ is average, and $$$$$ is much higher than average income.

    Since each person surveyed may have a different viewpoint as to what constitutes an average salary, and since salary is often commensurate with years of experience, the number of dollar signs should not be regarded as an absolute, but only as an indicator.